About our brand

“Belaya Bereza” ТМ – when quality can be tasted!

“Belaya Bereza” ТM is not just ice cream carefully prepared in accordance with the renewed recipes of the XX century with the genuine classic taste. This ice cream range comprises premium ice cream only, which, as you know, is made in accordance with the stringent requirements of DSTU, namely, DSTU 4733:2007! It means that premium ice cream is made of the natural raw materials only: milk, butter, sugar and cocoa…, so ice cream of “Belaya Bereza” TM is both healthy and tasty product! No colorants and artificial stabilizers are used in its production; therefore the products under “Belaya Bereza” TM have the benefits compared to the number of other products available in the todays’ ice cream market.

Ice cream of “Belaya Bereza” TM is made according to the old technology, using the renewed method of pouring (instead of extrusion). In combination with the optimal recipe, it allows maximally preserving the useful physiological properties, adding peculiar home taste to ice cream. Exclusively natural, incredibly tender, delicate and well-balanced taste is a unique feature of ice cream of “Belaya Bereza” ТМ. Combination of renewed recipes, unique technologies and careful attention to details make each type of “Belaya Bereza” TM the artwork of the classic genre!

“Belaya Bereza” TM – creates for those who are near!


  • Three ingredients:
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Sugar

Find the time for ice cream!